Sunday, October 13, 2013

The camera never lies...

...and yet, it doesn't always tell the whole truth either.

I'm having trouble with the close-up pictures of my in-progress artwork.  I looked at the pictures in my last post and while not bad, the final picture of the dried piece doesn't look like I want it to.  So, I took a couple of pictures of it again today, this time against a dark background:

I'm not sure these are much better.  Ugh!!!

The thing that bugs me is that you can't see the texture that was created when I swirled the paint around and then lifted it up by just pulling up on the paint brush (put the brush tip down on the wet paint, then lift...repeat as wanted/needed).  Also, you can't really see the detail of the paints mixed together.

Sooooo...that means I need to do some research to discover the best settings on my camera to make the detail I have come alive.  That should be fun, but first I need to find the time to do the research.  Again...ugh!!!

Holy cow...would I like some cheese with that whine?!  :-)  This is just another challenge that needs to be faced with an inquiring mind and positive attitude.  I WILL find the time, somewhere, somehow, because it is important to me.  Plus, I love to learn new stuff!

So, step away from the TV, away from the football games, away from the hockey games (darn you, Center Ice package from Direct TV :-) ), and away from Long Island Medium (yes, I confess...Long Island Medium is a guilty pleasure of mine).  Focus on what is real and what is really fun (not just the mindless fun of the TV).  Oh, so easy to say and so hard to do!

Hopefully next time (or the time after that or the time after that), I'll have some good news to report with regard to the camera settings.  Until then, it's back to having fun in the studio!

Happy days, everyone...may you all find time for the things that are important to you!

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