Saturday, December 28, 2013

Change in plans

Girls aren't the only ones with the right to change their minds...artists can, too.  Since I'm a girl AND an artist, I can change whatever I want!  (At least I like to think I can! :-) )

So, I changed my mind.  My start to finish project isn't going to use washi tape after all.  It just doesn't fit now with where I want it to go.  So out with the washi tape and in with the hand-cut stamps!

As a reminder, here is where I am with the start to finish project:

I'm still here...I haven't progressed yet, but I know what I want to do...I want to make some hand-cut stamps to use on this.  I want to create my own ampersand symbol, carve it out of a stamp block, and stamp it on the piece.

To do this, I will use Speedball's Speedy-Cut rubber block, a carving tool, and Speedball's water-soluble ink.  Here are the tools:

Here are a couple of stamps I have already carved (an owl on the left and an octagon on the right [I used that to make the stop sign on the upper-left corner of "Scattered Time"]):

I was surprised how easy it was to carve these stamps.  The carving tool slides through the rubber block like butter (do be careful...the carving tool is sharp!).  So all you need to do is pick your design, transfer it to the rubber block (heavily trace the design you have on paper with a pencil and then place face down on the rubber block...from there, rub the back side of the paper with a credit card over the whole design...when you lift the paper, the design should have transferred over), and then carve around the design so it stands out like a stamp.  Easy peas-y!

To use the stamp, just press it into ink (I put my ink on a paper plate and spread it around with a putty knife) and then stamp it wherever you'd like.

So how did I learn how to do this?  Through Whimseybox!  Whimseybox is a subscription service (they have a store, too, where you can buy craft it out!) where they send you a surprise craft each month.  They give you everything you need to make one project, as well as the instructions for the project.  It is a lot of fun and gets you to try lots of new stuff.  The stamp project was one of the crafts I received...I tried it and loved it, so am using it in all kinds of different spots.

I hope to have my ampersand made and stamped on the project by next time!

I have also been working on my mini flower displays.  Have I shown you these yet?

This one is done.  The one I have been working on needs flowers, but I haven't figured out what kind just yet.

Fun, huh?!  I think they are...a little spot of pretty that only takes up a few inches of space.  Everyone needs a spot of pretty!

I've also been learning a little more about my Adobe Lightroom software.  I have learned to crop!  So exciting!  Now my pictures don't have to have a lot of extra "junk" in the picture...I can focus on the important stuff.  Hurray for learning!

Now back to it...I'm excited to be art-ing again!  Oh yes, and Happy New Year to all of you.  I hope 2014 is your best year yet!

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