Sunday, June 22, 2014

Progress...and then...eeeewwwww!

Greetings all!

Well, I made a little progress with some of my texture and newspaper projects.

Here's the texture project with the first layer of brown paint:

And a close-up:

And here's the completion of the first layer of newspaper on the canvas:

And a close-up of what words I'll be focusing on in the first layer of newspaper:

You know how the earth shifts when you come to a new realization or finally understand something you didn't?  That's the kind of "earth shifts" I am thinking of, not the bad kind (earthquakes and other dangerous things).

All seems to be moving right along, right?  Well, it was until I put another layer of Mod Podge on the texture piece.  I thought I would do that before I put more paint on top (with the intention of wiping some of it away) so that the paint colors wouldn't mix.  I felt like I needed a lot of the Mod Podge, so I layered it up good.  Turns out, I didn't need so much.  When I came back to the piece after several days of drying, I found a milky mess:

Eeeeeewwwww!!  Now I need to repaint over this nastiness.  I can't let that milky mess remain.  It's just too...eeeeewwww.  Oh well...lesson learned...I don't need so much Mod Podge!

In looking at all of these brown and black and white pictures, I feel like I need to share something that isn't quite so...well...brown and black and white.  Here's a picture of some of the pink roses that bloom in our yard:

Gorgeous!  You have got to love Mother Nature and all of the beauty she provides us!  I feel grateful I get to see so much of it as close as my backyard.

So, until next time, remember that sometimes too much of a good thing is indeed too much!  Have a great week everyone!

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