Wednesday, August 21, 2013

An artist's message

Hi everyone!

A fellow artist said something very profound to me the other day, something that really resonated with where I am in becoming the artist I want to be.

We were having a conversation about how nervous I am to show him the things I am working on (he actually asked to see some of what I have awesome!...a "real"* artist wants to see my stuff!).  I told him this is a big step for me, a super-important one to help me on my journey.  I have shown a few pieces to some friends, and my work has been well-received, but it seems more serious, more real to show it to another artist.  And he said (paraphrased):

"Every artist has a message to pass along and how can you do that if you don't share your art with others?"

How indeed.  So it is time to stop talking and start doing.  And start showing.  It's a risk to put myself and my pieces out there for all to see, but no risk, no reward.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I do have a message (more on that soon), and I think it is an important one to pass along.

So I'm going to show him my art and let the chips fall where they may.  I'm terrified and excited.  What a great place to be!

So for today, I'll leave you with a picture from my yard and a quote that I think is appropriate for today's post: "And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to bloom." - Anais Nin

Here's to blooming!

* This artist is the real deal...he's had a show in New York City and has a book published with his work in it.  I am a "real" artist, too, but a complete novice in comparison!

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