Sunday, August 25, 2013

And the message is...

...drum roll, please...

Love.  Support.  Fun.  We all can use more of these things in our lives.  The best place they can come from is within ourselves, and I hope that my artwork inspires those who see my pieces to be reminded of these wonderful emotions within themselves.

Some of the things that helped me through the dark times in my life when I was confused, unsettled, and unfocused was reading the right quote at the right time; seeing something beautiful that would make me smile; or having some small item on my desk, in my purse, or on my nightstand that would bring me joy.  So, that is what I make.  Small things (mostly!) that take up very little space but that can make a big impact at just the right time.

So that's it, at least in a nutshell.  There is more to it based on my own personal story, but overall, this is it.  I find that the simplest messages are the best ones, don't you?

Happy day everyone!

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