Is it better to be slow and methodical or quick and done?
I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I am finding that I tend to be slow and methodical about things. I really do not like to be pushed to go fast. At work this is a blessing and curse. On the one hand, being slow and methodical allows me to be precise, accurate, and thoughtful in the things that I do. When I can take my time, I feel like I do my best work.
On the other hand, I am often asked for quick answers to problems and expected to process parts of my work rapidly, as there are always deadlines and people waiting for the things that I do. I hate this! It always makes me feel like I am missing something or that I am going to make a huge mistake some day by going too fast. However, there are times that, when I push myself for speed, I feel like I do my best work.
What?! Seriously?! Yep...I can do my best work being slow and methodical AND quick and done. It just depends on the situation. Given a choice, I would choose slow and methodical, but I have also found this isn't always the best choice.
So what does that mean in my art world? I am slow and methodical there, too. Some of the pieces I am working on have taken me months and months to complete. The ideas are always flowing, but most of them focus on the START of projects. Not many show me the finished product.
I am frustrated by this. I want to FINISH some of these pieces. It's like ENOUGH ALREADY! Just finish the darn thing. Don't wait until just the right thing hits you; don't wait to be perfect. It is okay to just plow ahead and make mistakes. Really. Really it is. No, really, it is.
And so that is where I am sitting right now. I want to finish a piece (my Scattered Time piece), but I am stalled. The bad thing is I don't know that waiting longer for something to hit me is going to work either. I have an idea, but the slow and methodical in me says, "Wait! Don't do anything until you are ABSOLUTELY SURE it will work." I want to tell the slow and methodical girl to take a hike. Far, far away.
So, here's my idea: I wrote a poem (composed of a haiku, followed by a lune, followed by another haiku) I want to put on the piece and I'd like to break it up into three "billboard" looking things placed as you see here:
I like it..mostly...and would like to move forward with it, but the slow and methodical girl is holding me back. Ugh! Where's my brave girl when I need her? I think the fed-up girl is about to take control and tell the others to shut it and just do it. I hope she does it soon. I'd really like to move on!
So, back to the original question. Is it better to be slow and methodical or quick and done? I think we need both to do well in the world. I just need to cultivate the quick and done more so I can have a better balance. I need to save myself some heartache with the uncertainty and over-thinking I impose upon myself. Right? Well, let me analyze that first...I'll get back to you when I am sure... :-)
In other things, the flowers in the yard are blooming like crazy. It is so beautiful! It makes me grateful for all of the work I did to plant the flowers in years past. Here's a couple of pictures to show you what's blooming:
Awesome! Now that's a great way to end a philosophical hour...with great beauty!
Until next time, let the slow and methodical and quick and done parts of yourself make peace and as a result, live beautiful days!
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