Mello Greetings Peeps!
It's time once again for a weekly installment from your favorite Renaissance Woman (at least I hope I am your favorite one :-) )!! This week, I'm excited! Okay, I'm usually excited (it doesn't take much :-) ), but I am excited about different things than the last time I wrote.
Why am I excited, you ask? I received my favorite magazine in the mail this week..."Cloth, Paper, Scissors"! I love this magazine...I have usually read it from cover to cover within a day or two of receiving it, and this issue was no different.
Here's the current issue:
You can tell how great an issue it is by the number of sticky notes hanging out the edges of it. There are ads for fun new gadgets and supplies to try, how-to articles, and inspiration galore in every issue, and this one was no different. A few of the how-to highlights:
1) faux etching on copper
2) building layers with tape masks
3) creating a shadow box with with a wrapped canvas
I am eager to try them all! Now I just need to find the time and energy to do it. If you find you have extra of either of these things, please let me know...I'd like to borrow a cup (or gallon) of each. :-)
I played a bit in the studio today, too. I want to finish a piece or two before I start something new, as I am running out of room to put all of my projects in progress. So, I picked up my Scattered Time piece. As a reminder, here is where it was when I left off last:
When I looked at this, I liked what I saw, but it seemed incomplete. So, I added a border around the sides with some leftover maps on tracing paper I had. I ripped the paper to make a rough edge and then Mod Podged the paper on to the sides of the piece. Here are the results:
This feels much more finished to me. I have some poetry to add to the front (which I think will be all I need to do to finish the least to my way of thinking today...that could change tomorrow :-) ) and then finish the back (not sure what I'm going to do for that). So, hopefully not much longer, and I'll have another finished piece. That will be awesome!
While spring has definitely sprung here in the Rockies, Mother Nature didn't want us to forget what winter felt like so soon, so she threw a bunch of snow our way earlier in the week. I had already put out my faux spring flowers on our back deck (yes, I use fake flowers on my deck...don't give me grief about gets SO hot out on that deck in the summer that nothing real ever survives and I really like having the color out there) and they were covered with snow.
Thankfully the snow melted the very next day, but if you didn't know it was spring, you certainly wouldn't know it by looking at this picture. As everyone says...if you don't like the weather here, just wait five minutes because it will change. Keeps us all on our toes!
Well, it's back to work (play) for me...I have been inspired, and I need to spew that inspiration out in a safe and fun way all over my art. Wish me luck!
Until next time, here's hoping you don't have to deal with unexpected snow storms and that warmth and happiness follow you all week long!
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